Montgomery County Young Democrats Condemn Supreme Court Ruling Striking Down Student Debt Relief Program

The Montgomery County Young Democrats (MCYD) condemn the Supreme Court ruling that President Biden’s student debt relief program, which would have offered up to $20,000 in debt relief to working and middle class borrowers, is not authorized by the HEROES Act. 

This decision will harm tens of millions of Americans, especially young people who are starting families, saving to buy homes, and starting their careers. Black, Latino, and low-income Americans will also be disproportionately affected by the cruel ruling, which is both wrong legally and morally. As a direct result of this, more people will struggle with unaffordable student loan debt. 

However, the fight is far from over. MCYD will continue to fight for student debt relief and forgiveness–and this decision does not prevent Congress from passing new laws or the Biden administration from pursuing student debt relief under authority granted by other laws. We urge the Biden administration to act decisively to deliver debt relief and prevent the federal government from restarting the student loan payment process in September. And for people who are struggling with student debt, the National Consumer Law Center has an excellent collection of resources

Finally, the six right-wing Supreme Court justices have embarked on a cruel, callous effort to block liberal policies and write their policy preferences into the law. Additionally, they are quite corrupt and have violated numerous federal disclosure and conflict-of-interest laws. We call upon Congress to investigate and, if necessary, impeach these justices.