Montgomery County Young Democrats Applaud Indictment of Donald Trump for Attempting to Overturn the 2020 Election

The Montgomery County Young Democrats applaud the Department of Justice’s indictment of Donald Trump for his illegal efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election and block the peaceful transition of power. For months, Trump spread lies and attempted to foment a coup to subvert our democracy, and this indictment is a welcome sign that he will be prosecuted. 

Trump lost the 2020 presidential election and has been indicted on four counts: conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and conspiracy against rights. The January 6th riot, which he instigated and encouraged, was an appalling assault on democratic values and was intended to undo the election results. Trump further tried to exploit the resulting chaos and violence to benefit himself and cling to a power, turning himself into an autocrat. 

As the indictment says, “the Defendant also pursued unlawful means of discounting legitimate votes and subverting the election results.” For months, Trump pressured local election officials to undo voting results in their states, tried to force Vice President Mike Pence to halt the counting of electoral votes, and lied that the election had been stolen.

We young Democrats welcome this indictment since no one, especially not a President, is above the law. Donald Trump should be prosecuted and imprisoned for his sedition and lawbreaking. However, he did not act alone. The indictment mentions a half-dozen co-conspirators, including lawyers inside and outside of government who attempted to serve as Trump’s enablers and overturn the election. These individuals should also be prosecuted and imprisoned for their crimes so nothing like this ever happens again. 

The Montgomery County Young Democrats support the indictment of Trump and urge that he be held liable for his crimes. 

Montgomery County Young Democrats Urge County Council to Approve the STEP Act and Reform Policing

The Montgomery County Young Democrats recently urged the Montgomery County Council to approve the STEP Act, which would limit the use of traffic stops. Below is a letter sent to the Council.

Letter from the Montgomery County Young Democrats in Support of the STEP Act

July 10, 2023

Montgomery County Council

100 Maryland Avenue, 6th Floor Rockville, MD 20850

Dear County Councilmembers,

The Montgomery County Young Democrats (MCYD) write in support of Bill 12-23–Police-Traffic Stops-Limitation, known as the Safety and Traffic Equity in Policing (STEP) Act. The STEP Act would limit and sometimes prohibit police officers from making stops for certain minor traffic offenses. It would help reimagine public safety, reduce systemic racism, and encourage police to focus on more urgent needs and more serious crimes.

Recently the Office of Legislative Oversight issued a report on traffic enforcement and police interactions in Montgomery County. The report found “substantial disparities in police interactions by race and ethnicity” and “that Black and Latino drivers are stopped and searched during traffic violations at disproportionately higher rates than white drivers.” As a result, Black and Latino drivers are more likely to become trapped in the criminal justice system, to be incarcerated, or to be victims of police brutality. In many cases police officers stop drivers even if they are doing nothing wrong–and in some cases, these stops can go horribly wrong and leave someone dead.

The STEP Act would ban traffic stops by Montgomery County police officers based solely on suspected violations of the following offenses: licensing and registration, certificates of title of insurance, window tinting, defective headlights or taillights, illuminated license plates, minor obstructions like signs or posters on car windshields. It also bans traffic stops of people for suspected jaywalking. Furthermore, the STEP Act requires the county to collect data and information related to traffic stops and bans consent searches of cars by police officers (when an officer gets someone’s consent to search their vehicle).

Police officers should focus on solving serious crimes, responding to threats, and keeping Montgomery County residents safe. Traffic stops are often overused and unnecessary, and similar reforms have been implemented in places around the country. Berkeley, California has removed traffic enforcement from the police and assigned it to the transportation division. Places as varied as Oakland, Lansing, Fayetteville, Madison, and the state of Virginia have banned police officers from making stops for minor traffic offenses.

The STEP Act will reduce racial disparities in our criminal justice system, prevent people from going to prison, pressure police to focus on serious crimes, and in some cases, save lives. We urge you to favorably report Bill 12-23.

Please contact us at with any questions.


The Montgomery County Young Democrats

Montgomery County Young Democrats Condemn Supreme Court Ruling Striking Down Student Debt Relief Program

The Montgomery County Young Democrats (MCYD) condemn the Supreme Court ruling that President Biden’s student debt relief program, which would have offered up to $20,000 in debt relief to working and middle class borrowers, is not authorized by the HEROES Act. 

This decision will harm tens of millions of Americans, especially young people who are starting families, saving to buy homes, and starting their careers. Black, Latino, and low-income Americans will also be disproportionately affected by the cruel ruling, which is both wrong legally and morally. As a direct result of this, more people will struggle with unaffordable student loan debt. 

However, the fight is far from over. MCYD will continue to fight for student debt relief and forgiveness–and this decision does not prevent Congress from passing new laws or the Biden administration from pursuing student debt relief under authority granted by other laws. We urge the Biden administration to act decisively to deliver debt relief and prevent the federal government from restarting the student loan payment process in September. And for people who are struggling with student debt, the National Consumer Law Center has an excellent collection of resources

Finally, the six right-wing Supreme Court justices have embarked on a cruel, callous effort to block liberal policies and write their policy preferences into the law. Additionally, they are quite corrupt and have violated numerous federal disclosure and conflict-of-interest laws. We call upon Congress to investigate and, if necessary, impeach these justices. 

Letter from Montgomery County Young Democrats in Support of SB 828/HB 988-Paid Family and Medical Leave Program-Modifications

March 13th, 2023

Senator Griffith, Vice Chair Klausmeier, members of the Senate Finance Committee:

The Montgomery County Young Democrats (MCYD) urge your support for SB 828/HB 988, which would strengthen Maryland’s Paid Family and Medical Leave Program. We are a group of young Democrats ages 14-35 working to make Montgomery County and Maryland a better place to live. MCYD supports the election of Democrats in public office and getting young people involved in state and local politics.

SB 828 with sponsor amendments, and HB 988 as introduced, strengthen the Maryland family and medical leave program by outlining guidance for implementation through the Maryland Department of Labor. The legislation most notably proposes to split the costs of the program 50/50 between employers and employees.

In 2022 the Maryland Legislature enacted a paid family and medical leave program which will immensely benefit Maryland workers. Studies show that paid family and medical leave improves family well-being, improves health outcomes for families, and reduces infant mortality. Parents who have access to paid family leave have more time to take care of and bond with their children, and also heal from childbirth–all of which results in improved mental health and closer family connections.

Moreover workers who are sick or are facing a medical crisis need ample time to recover. When these workers have paid medical leave they have greater chances making and attending doctors’ appointments, get properly diagnosed, receive treatment, and afford necessary medical care. Paid family and medical leave has major economic benefits. When paid family and medical leave is available, fewer workers end up living paycheck to paycheck, and they can take care of their loved ones without worrying about missing rent or not being able to afford groceries.

The best paid leave program is a program that treats workers and their employers equitably through shared responsibilities and benefits. A 50-50 cost-sharing split is necessary for this legislation as it keeps the paid family and medical leave program affordable for both employers and employees. We believe that the costs of the program should be equally shared because the benefits of the program are equally received. Additionally, equitable cost sharing benefits Black and Latino workers and low wage workers, who are most impacted by the lack of access to affordable paid family and medical leave.

We Montgomery County Young Democrats oppose attempts to weaken this paid family and medical leave by reducing the percentage of employer contributions and increasing the cost burden on employees. A 50/50 split is beneficial for both employees and employers.

We urge the Senate Finance Committee to support this bill. Please contact us at with any questions.

The Montgomery County Young Democrats

Testimony of Montgomery County Young Democrats to House Ways and Means Committee in Support of HB 547–Family Prosperity Act of 2023

February 16th, 2023
Chair Atterbeary, Vice Chair Wilkins, members of the House Ways and Means Committee:

The Montgomery County Young Democrats strongly support HB 547, the Family Prosperity Act of 2023, and urge your support for the bill. The Family Prosperity Act would permanently extend Maryland’s Earned Income Tax Credit and expand the Child Tax Credit. It would help Marylanders living in poverty, promote economic mobility, and greatly reduce child poverty.

Maryland is a wealthy state but our overall wealth masks significant economic hardship for many of our residents. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 10.3% of Marylanders live in poverty, meaning that for a family of four, they earn $27,750 or less. Poverty is especially harmful to children, since many poor families struggle to afford basic necessities like food, shelter, and health care. Children who grow up poor often have poorer health outcomes, lower educational attainment, and increased difficulty finding jobs as adults. All of these factors contribute to a cycle of poverty that is difficult to break–poor children are more likely to grow up to be poor adults.

Recognizing this, the Maryland Legislature took action. In 2021 the Legislature passed an expansion of Maryland’s Earned Income Tax Credit, which extended the tax credit to undocumented immigrants, certain survivors of domestic violence, and student visa holders. The expansion also included a child tax credit for people who make $6,000 or less and who have children with disabilities.

Maryland’s earned income tax credit is intended to benefit working people with low or moderate incomes. The credit either gives people money back at tax time or lowers the federal taxes that they owe–it provides help to low-wage workers and rewards them for having a job. The 2021 expanded tax credit helped many Marylanders who were harmed by the COVID-19 pandemic and were struggling to pay their bills. However the expansion was only temporary which has raised concerns about the impact on workers when it expires.

The Family Prosperity Act–HB 547–would permanently extend that expansion of Maryland’s Earned Income Tax Credit, providing lasting help to workers. The current law also caps the tax credit at $530 for adults without qualifying children, and HB 547 would remove that harmful and arbitrary cap. The Family Prosperity Act further expands the Child Tax Credit to cover taxpayers with children 5 and under and who have an income of less than $15,000. Currently the tax credit can only apply to taxpayers with kids who earn $6,000 or less, which is an appallingly low threshold. This reform will raise the income limit under which people can get the tax credit by $11,000, which will help tens of thousands of Marylanders living in poverty.

Governor Wes Moore’s budget proposal allocates $171 million for this permanent extension of the Earned Income Tax Credit and expansion of the Child Tax Credit. In his recent State of the State address, Governor Moore pledged to end child poverty, saying, “No group deserves our help more than the children of Maryland. In a state with the highest median income in the country, one in eight of our children lives in poverty.” The Family Prosperity Act is one of his top priorities; it will strike a major blow against child poverty, and enable tens of thousands of families to flourish.

This may seem like a wonky and abstract issue that has little impact on most people’s lives. But nothing could be further from the truth. Maryland’s Earned Income Tax Credit provides badly needed funds to Maryland families, helping them keep a roof over their head and put food on the table. And this expansion will help them ever more.

We Montgomery County Young Democrats believe that budgets are moral documents. A budget reflects who we are and what our society values. No one who works full time should live in poverty, and no child should grow up in poverty. It is our responsibility to ensure that American abundance is distributed so that everyone can share in prosperity. And it is time for the House of Delegates and the Senate to make the correct moral choices and end child poverty in Maryland.

The Montgomery County Young Democrats urge the House Ways and Means Committee to favorably report HB 547, the Family Prosperity Act.

Please contact us at if you have any questions.


The Montgomery County Young Democrats

Testimony of Montgomery County Young Democrats to House Economic Matters Committee in Support of HB 549-Fair Wage Act of 2023

February 24th, 2023

Chair Wilson, Vice Chair Crosby, members of the House Economic Matters Committee:

The Montgomery County Young Democrats (MCYD) strongly support HB 549, the Fair Wage Act of 2023, and urge your support for the bill. The Fair Wage Act of 2023 would accelerate the implementation of the state’s $15 per hour minimum wage and adjust that minimum wage for inflation. We also urge that HB 549 be amended to include tipped workers, so there is a $15 per hour minimum wage for all Maryland workers and no one is left out.

In 2019, the Maryland Legislature approved a $15 per hour minimum wage but decided to gradually phase in this increase over several years. At the time, Maryland’s minimum wage was $10.10 per hour and the Legislature voted to increase the wage to $15 an hour in 2025 for businesses with fifteen or more employees, and 2026 for smaller businesses. Anti-poverty advocates and organizers criticized this delayed implementation at the time. Based on a standard work week of 40 hours, a worker earning $15 per hour would make about $31,200 a year, which is not that much.

Governor Wes Moore has stressed the importance of fighting poverty and boosting the incomes of low-wage workers; during his campaign he promised to speed up the implementation of the $15 per hour minimum wage. The Fair Wage Act would fulfill that promise. It would fully implement that $15 per hour minimum wage for all covered employees by October 1st, 2023 instead of sometime in 2026.

HB 549 would also index the $15 per hour wage to the Consumer Price Index starting on July 1, 2025. It defines the Consumer Price Index as the index for all urban consumers for the Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV urban area index published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This index shall be capped at 5% per year. In practical terms, this means that Maryland’s $15 per hour minimum wage will increase with inflation, greatly benefiting workers. The Maryland Legislature will not have to come back and vote again and again to hike the wage every few years; instead, it will go up automatically.

The Fair Wage Act of 2023 is an excellent bill that will help Maryland workers and boost wages. However it could be strengthened and improved by including tipped workers. Currently the bill does not include tipped workers, who are only required to be paid $3.63 per hour plus tips–an astonishingly low figure! By ending the egregious subminimum wage for tipped workers, many Marylanders would see higher wages–and this reform will help reduce decades of growing pay inequality. It would also help people achieve economic opportunity, because no one who works full time should have to live in poverty.

Affected workers who work year round would get a substantial raise because of this bill. They would earn hundreds or even thousands of dollars more per year, enough to make a tremendous difference in the life of a cashier, home health aide, or retail worker who struggles to get by. A $15 per hour minimum wage covering all workers would start to reverse decades of growing pay inequality between the most underpaid workers and workers receiving close to the median wage, and it would especially benefit Black workers and women workers. Higher wages would benefit consumers and communities across the country. Since underpaid workers spend much of their extra earnings, this wage boost would help stimulate the economy and spur greater business activity and job growth.

The Montgomery County Young Democrats urge the House Economic Matters Committee to strengthen HB 549, the Fair Wage Act, by amending the bill to include tipped workers and then supporting the bill. All Maryland workers deserve to be equally treated and to earn a living wage.

Please contact us at with any questions.

Testimony of Montgomery County Young Democrats to Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee in Support of SB 1-Bill to Prevent Gun Violence

February 7th, 2023

Chair Smith, Vice Chair Waldstreicher, members of the Judicial Proceedings Committee:

The Montgomery County Young Democrats (MCYD) urge your support for SB 1, also known as the Gun Safety Act of 2023. This bill, which bans guns from being carried into or near places of public accommodation, will promote gun safety, help stop gun violence, and reduce threats of intimidation directed against Maryland residents.

SB 1 prohibits people from knowingly wearing, carrying, or transporting guns onto someone else’s property unless that person has expressly given permission to them or to the public. It also prohibits people from wearing, carrying, or transporting guns within 100 feet of a public accommodation. A public accommodation is defined as 1) an inn, hotel, or motel, 2) a restaurant, cafeteria, or other eating or drinking establishment, 3) a theater, sports arena (i.e. gym), concert hall, or other entertainment, transportation, or recreation venue. 

Guns are dangerous weapons that kill tens of thousands of Americans every year. Over one million Americans have been shot in the past decade. In 2021, gun deaths reached their highest level in at least 40 years, with 48,830 deaths that year alone. The United States accounts for just 4% of the world’s population but for 35% of global gun suicides. Americans are 25 times more likely to be killed in a gun homicide than people in other high-income countries. And this year there have already been over 41 mass shootings.

These weapons have no place in our restaurants, theaters, hotels, and other public areas. When people carry guns in these locations it often results in individuals getting hurt or killed, whether in unintentional shootings, escalating fights, or massacres. People should feel safe in public places and carrying guns creates an atmosphere of fear and intimidation. When people can carry guns into public accommodations, it makes it easier for mass shooters to carry out their attacks.

Additionally certain extremist groups have started wearing and carrying guns because they want to intimidate people. In Montgomery County, far-right radical groups such as the Proud Boys have gathered outside Drag Queen Story Hours and other events carrying guns in attempts to frighten readers and attendees–and these people often resort to violence if they don’t get their way. Similar examples have occurred in other parts of the country where extremist organizations with guns stand outside or inside accommodations, trying to terrorize people or shut down events. In certain cases these groups have even stood outside polling places in blatant efforts to menace people and deter them from voting. SB 1, by banning the wearing and carrying of guns near these places, will help combat these intimidation efforts.

Until recently Maryland required people to have a “good and substantial” reason to be allowed to carry concealed guns. However the Supreme Court, in one of its recent harmful decisions, declared this requirement unconstitutional. Their decision left a big gap in Maryland’s laws, allowing almost anyone to get a gun and bring it anywhere. SB 1 will fix that gap and help protect Marylanders.

When guns are everywhere, people are less safe and there is a greater risk that any dispute will turn violent–and potentially lethal. Keeping guns out of sensitive places like bars, like stadiums, like courthouses, like polling places, will help keep people safe and reduce a whole number of potential threats, not just mass shootings.

The Montgomery County Young Democrats urge the Judicial Proceedings Committee to support and favorably report SB 1. Please contact us at with any questions.


The Montgomery County Young Democrats

MoCo Young Dems Urge County Council to Support Rent Stabilization Bill

March 5th, 2023

Dear President Glass, Vice President Friedson, and County Councilmembers:

The Montgomery County Young Democrats (MCYD) urge the County Council to support Bill 16-23, Landlord-Tenant Relations – Rent Stabilization (The HOME Act), establishing an annual maximum rent increase for rental housing in the County and permitting a landlord to submit a petition for a fair rent increase. Renters are experiencing a lack of stability and predictability for the cost of their homes, leading to many residents geting pushed out and facing eviction. This bill is needed to ensure that people have access to affordable housing in Montgomery County with market stability.

As previously mentioned in our letter of support regarding Bill 22-22, during the COVID-19 pandemic the County Council enacted limits on rent increases in order to protect residents harmed by high unemployment and to ensure they could stay in their homes during a global pandemic. However, the once temporary protections must now become permanent, in order to ensure members of our community are not improperly subjected to unfair rental increases. MCYD continues to understand that landlords have a right to earn a living, but in a decent and fair society, residents should have a right to equitable and predictable housing market changes as well.

Montgomery County continues to face a housing crisis where many residents are struggling to find affordable housing. Renters make up approximately 37% of Montgomery County residents and already tend to pay higher percentages of their income on housing than homeowners. The Washington Post reported that since 2019 average rent prices in Montgomery County have increased by 8.3%. But many County residents are reporting far more significant rent increases–10%, 20%, and even higher hikes–which have resulted in people being priced out of their homes. Silver Spring residents wrote to the Council of monthly rent increases of $200-$400. While renters do have the power to file complaints about rent increases, many people are unaware that they have this right or lack the knowledge to navigate that process. Bill 16-23 aims to limit rent-stabilized units to annual rent increases matching the predetermined Voluntary Rent Guidelines (VRG), which is a rate of 3% or lower.

Black and Latino families disproportionately rent their homes instead of owning them. Because of a shortage of housing, people encounter substantial difficulties in finding and keeping their rental property. Moving is also costly and risky for residents, who have to pay security deposits, move their belongings, and get situated. And when residents are evicted due to their inability to meet rent increases, the results are traumatic, often resulting in people becoming homeless and living on the streets. Eviction harms people’s mental and physical health, hurts their financial wellbeing, hinders their efforts to rise out of poverty, and harms their future attempts to get housing.

Bill 16-23 outlines necessary solutions to the disproportionate and inequitable rent increases occurring all through the County. For over 10 years, the Voluntary Rent Guidelines were around 2.25%, and averaged 3% over the last 20 years. Bill 16-23 is proposing a 3% cap which would be well within County standards, allowing for much needed predictability to tenants. The bill also provides an opportunity for landlords to petition and apply for rent increases above the proposed annual allowance by filing a Fair Return Petition. By allowing landlords to petition for rent increases, they can state their claim for why the rent increase helps cover their bottom line: current net operating income. The measures in Bill 16-23 will provide much needed protections for renters in the light of unaffordable housing and account for the landlords who are accountable for covering their operating income so as to make a profit.

Housing is a human right. Bill 16-23 will ensure that renters are protected against unpredictable and unstable rent increases, ensure that more people have access to affordable housing, reduce evictions, and promote equity and justice in our society.

MCYD urges that this bill be brought up for a vote and for a favorable report on the bill. Codifying rent stability as permanent law will significantly help renters disproportionately burdened by profiteers. Please contact us at if you have any questions.


The Montgomery County Young Democrats